YAY It's Friday...how happy are you?

Janine J.
on 9/25/08 7:28 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

I think only I would be excited at 1:30 in the morning that it is Friday....however...I know all of us working stiffs are happy that today is the day....ding, ding, ding....when the bell rings or the whistle blows...the clock strike that magic hour....we all get to walk away from our jobs and mutter to ourselves....TGIF and I mean really thank gawd it is Friday!!!

Well today I had scheduled for a sub...and my plans fell through as I was supposed to leave out of town, but that is okay because I am still taking the much needed day off. My hands are happy...I am happy and NO I am NOT going to work on the mural. My friend Eileen and I going to just have some fun today. I really need to have something other to do than think about what I am supposed to be doing!

I am planning to work on the mural both days this weekend as I just wanna get done. I have had some mishaps along the way with the kiln and of course true to form....slabs did not fire the night before...so tomorrow, I have to go by school early and unload the kiln...I am so grateful to Jeff who has not bailed out on me with helping me. He even rigged up a new tile nipper where I can get more leverage and instead of putting so much pressure on my hands it will require more use of arm..no problemo...me gots some guns! Here is another mishap from the other day...got my order of glaze...all excited only to open the box with this mess:

DSC_0285.jpg picture by JanineJnice eh? Company is taking care of it.

Here is my little friend roadrunner who visits me when the campus is quiet while I am working...he comes like clockwork:

DSC_0005.jpg and here is this weeks progress....I know it does not look like much, but I have finished laying details...and although this photo does not reflect the finished details it gives you and idea....and if all goes well...the sky will be finished this weekend along with beginning of laying the desert floor:


I know I am a blabber mouth this time of the night, but I just wanted to share this with you all. Last night Jeff and I went downtown to get a bite to eat. Every Thursday night Palm Springs has a street faire. Well the Agua Caliente Indians were doing a story telling, dancing and drumming demo because they are having some rare things shown at the museum. I was burnt out and kind of...not glum, but you know what I mean. I have to tell you, if you have never seen the men and women dance and the drumming...OMG it is an experience...made me feel revitalized. I truly love the Native American culture. What struck me is how the public reacted to them. Lot of snickers at one man who dance what the called the "chicken" dance as it is a mating dance for the male to attract a female partner and I thought to myself....this tourists have no idea that the land they are standing on was once owned by the Indians and they probably never gave any thought to hey Palm Springs is much more than movie stars, shopping, partying...whatever. I dunno...I found them to be sort of rude and disrespectful.

So on that note........................................

Scott I am wicked proud of you hitting 102 pound weight loss in such a short amount of time. I know all of you are thinking okay..he is a guy and loses weight quicker, but I gotta tell you all...Scott rocks his tool and is very aware of everything he does with his food consumption. You go Scott!

Joy I am very sorry about the problems you are having health wise and feel really bad that you are in such pain. I cannot believe that there is no way they can repair you for good! Sending a lot of positive vibs your way!

Monica P....I love your WOW moment and your new avatar....you are sooooooooooo pretty!

Hey Steve glad you are feeling better...just in time for the weekend too! BTW...I do not mind you playing devils advocate, however our district is not budging on our contract as they feel we are overpaid actually because we are a half precent higher in wages than the two districts that sandwich us. Not to mention if you have a PPO insurance...they are now going to be deducting for all benifits....they really give you major incentive anymore!

Jan...btw where and the heck is Gualala? I am a native CA'er and have NEVER heard of that place. You rock on gf with those inches and weight loss...Miss Big Foot Club!!! ( imeanthataffectionately).

Lisa I am opposite...weekends go too fast! Enjoy yours!

Bekki thanks for your 2 cents...my district is not doing it to us...it is Monica W's. I hope she read what you wrote. I am sure they are operating under the law.

Nikki aren't you glad you got out when you did if your boss acted the way he did before you had some real time invested there? How unprofessional of him...shame on him! Too bad you have to work the 2 weeks there. Maybe they will find a reason to let you go early and you can have some play time before going to your new job.

Nicole I am so there with you about cleaning fish...YUCK!!! How did your day go exploring and it sure is good to hear that you are feeling good!

Hey Kim Miss Knitter Woman aka runner and biker!!! You should take a pic so we can see some of your work! Did you haul your butt to the gym? When I get up this morning (don't laugh at that comment) I am going to work out! Need a different kind of movement.

Janel...how did your day go with the nursey? Are you all perty and fixed up? I know you must just be feeling like a million bucks with the results!

Vicki I am sorry that your back has not gained any progress. I am glad Mike is home so things are not so hard on you...I know he is a great support about your back and everything else in general. I hope the docs repair you soon!

Kim in Fontana...OMG a heart attack???? That is pretty darn scary that you did not even know...so my thinking is that maybe since it was mild and you are on meds now and and and...that you will be able to have your surgery in spite of it all. Plenty of people have had the surgery with not the greatest of tickers....don't get discouraged because I feel that in time the docs will give you clearance. Hang in there!

Lola...I think it is a great decision about the marathon...you are in good hands with Scott B. I am looking forward to the updated pic...but glad to see you and your son's smiling face regardless of the time frame. And the work thing....that is exactly what I did...got a positive attitude because there was nothing else I could do because I did not get a transfer this year. Being positive in spite of the crap just makes you feel better in general!

Kim look forward to hearing from you on Sunday and have loads of fun shopping! I know you hate that! LOL

Okay reading your post Maureen already made me tired for you!!! You love the madness!!! LOL Congrats on being appointed to the board!

Hey Katt...good luck with your party this weekend. I hope you get a new set of cookware.That will be so awesome to be at your goal weight by January! You are doing GREAT!


Kim S....way big congrats on getting an A on your exam...OMG I know that must be hard. I know my friend went through hell in nursing school, but it sure paid off! WTG!!!!!

Kelly nothing new is good...you sure are looking great...Miss Skinny girl...I bet your dog doesn't recognize you...hell I wouldn't have if it had not been for your dog!

Hey Jess have loads of fun this weekend!!!


Well here I am almost an hour later after starting this post...me thinks I am gonna turn in...again!!

So with all said and done....keep up the great work gang...and just because I do not shout all of you out doesn't mean I do not care...I just can't remember it all.....AND.....................................................what are you doing this weekend?????

Whatever it is have a great one!!!!


PEACE OUT!!!!! Biker Babe 





“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

karaoke Nadine
on 9/25/08 10:06 pm - Wherever I Take My Shoes Off!, CA

Holy Crap....I am up extra early today and thought I'd come on in this morning. I think I went to bed too early or  its the excitement that its Friday. I wanted to be the first one to post. I was thinking about going on the treadmill but didn't think that hard about it.

I'm so glad its Friday........ Karaoke tonight!!!

Well, I got some extra hours at work...(riding the bus with a student who needs assistance to and from school) so I am now waking up daily by 5:15

I better go start getting ready.

Happy Friday everyone!!!!

  Famous 1 

   Love, Nadine 

Chris S.
on 9/25/08 10:18 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning Janine and Cali!  Janine - you ROCK . .. that mural is out of this world and I can't wait to see the final product!  Truly amazing . . . and you have done this so much faster than I thought it was going to take . . . shows you what I know about it.  Kudos to you!

Sunday I'm taking my granddaughter to do Disneyland.  I can still get her in for free (if she keeps her mouth shut lol) and I still have my pass, so it won't be that expensive.  We are still waiting on word for my son's job in Monterey - it's coming, but we have no idea when.  We're hoping he'll be up there within the next 3 weeks!

Next week is a fun week .. . I get to work a kid's camp for one of our fall partners' meetings at the Hotel Del . . . get to stay there from Tues - Sunday . . . it's lots of work keeping the back end running and all the people on track going to the zoo, Sea World, wild animal park, kayaking (sp) and surfing lessons, babysitting, transportation . . . and long hours . . .but it's my 4th year and I'm looking forward to the change of pace.  At least this year I'll be able to move around a LOT easier because of the weight loss . . . Yea!

Have a great day and weekend everyone!


Travelin' down the road to skinny!
Jeni H.
on 9/25/08 10:20 pm

Good Morning Janine and Cali Friends!

Yay!!!  We made it to another Friday!!!!   It's Friday Janine I am so glad you are taking that much needed time off!  Have fun girl and enjoy.  Your mural is becoming such a beautiful piece of art! 

Well I went to the doc  Doctor for my wrist again yesterday.   Sling This sucks!  He cut me back again to 50% of the typing.   He is trying to get autho for some more tests......  yippee!  not!

Well, enjoy the day everyone and make it a great one!

Jeni Kisses 

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

jason ball
on 9/25/08 11:10 pm - Rialto, CA
This my first Post! I am a new user! its Friday and I am a little nervous! I am having surgery on Tuesday! Any advice or supporting words? I could use it right now
on 9/25/08 11:37 pm
Welcome to the OH website and the CA forums, there is lots of knowledge here, just ask questions and there are plenty of members that can give you some shoot from the hip answers.

You also might want to check out the Mens Forum, I don't have their link right now but if you search the forums link at the top of the page you can find it. Lots of nice guys there also...

Again welcome, and it is normal to be nervous, anxious and have some fear.....

Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 9/26/08 1:33 am - Gualala, CA
Welcome to OH CA, the land of friendly, weight loss.  It's normal to be anxious and excited.  I was up until I walked into the hospital.  Then a calm came over me and all was good.  Take a look at people's profiles for more information and ask anything you like.  Were here to help and support each other.

Advice: you won't need half of what you take to the hospital, but take your own protein powder so you're sure to have something that tastes good.  Sip slowly and walk walk walk and ask questions.

RNY 7/9/08

Katt M.
on 9/26/08 4:06 am - Fontana, CA
Welcome to the Cali board!! You will find great inspiration, advice, care and friendship here. You are in great hands with Dr. Suh. There are many people on the boards that have had him as a surgeon. It's normal to be nervous when you're just days away from surgery. I wish you the best on your weightloss journey. =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 9/26/08 4:54 am - Long Beach, CA
Hi!  Welcome to the California boards.  I'm sure you will do great.  Just take a deep breath, relax and get set to join everyone on the loser's bench!!  There are a lot of great, supportive people here. 

on 9/25/08 10:29 pm - CA
good morning janine and cali crew,
i had a cool moment yesterday.. i'm done one size in my pants woohooo... i've been on a pound or two rollercoster but i'm starting to lose again so that fells awsome.. i don't like the stall time i feel like i'm doing everything wrong when the weight goes up and down ...well today i'm going grocery shopping and i'm also gonna go through my drawers and get rid of tons of clothes ... and then this weekend i'm going to the boat and have some quite time with my bf....we're so much more happy when we're out in the boat for the weekend...we have a 45footer houseboat..it's pretty awsome... well i hope everyone has a great weekend ,,,
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